Jiak Gan Tang Notebook
äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçJiakäóÁ—çí_Œé is äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçto eatäóÁ—çí_Œé, while äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçgan tangäóÁ—çí_Œé refers to potatoes. This phrase aptly describes Singaporeans who are more comfortable with Western culture than Asian culture, thus their preference for potatoes over rice. Contrast with äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçCheenaäóÁ—çí_Œé. For the angmoh (Western) Singaporean.
11.5cm (W) by 17cm (H)
64 pages, blank on the inside.
Jiak Gan Tang Notebook
Jiak Gan Tang Notebook
äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçJiakäóÁ—çí_Œé is äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçto eatäóÁ—çí_Œé, while äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçgan tangäóÁ—çí_Œé refers to potatoes. This phrase aptly describes Singaporeans who are more comfortable with Western culture than Asian culture, thus their preference for potatoes over rice. Contrast with äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçCheenaäóÁ—çí_Œé. For the angmoh (Western) Singaporean.
11.5cm (W) by 17cm (H)
64 pages, blank on the inside.